Lästips konsumtion och kön

Här ger vi tips på intressant litteratur om konsumtion och kön:

Lästips konsumtion och kön

  • Brusdal, R. 2008. Kjønn og kommersielle uttrykk. SIFO Prosjektnotat nr. 3-2008.
  • EEA. 2005. Household consumption and the environment. EEA Report No 11/2005.
  • Ekström, K. 2010. Consumer Behaviour : A nordic perspecitve. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
  • Grover, S., Hemmati, M., & Flenley, C. 1999. Gender and Sustainable Consumption. Bringing Policy Gaps in the Context of Chapter 4, Agenda 21 ‘Changing Consumption and Production Patters’. Report submitted to CSD-7, 1999.
  • Grønhøj, A. & Ölander, F. 2007. A gender perspective on environmentally related family consumption. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 6/2007: 218–235.
  • Johnsson-Latham , G. 2006. Initial study of lifestyles, consumption patterns, sustainable development and gender: Do women leave a smaller ecological footprint than men? Report from the Swedish Ministry of Sustainable Development. Stockholm.
  • Johnsson-Latham, G. 2007. A study on gender equality as a prerequisite for sustainable development. Report to the Environment Advisory Council, Sweden 2007:2.
  • OECD. 2008a. Gender and Sustainable Development. Maximising the economic, social and environmental role of women. www.oecd.org/dataoecd/58/1/40881538.pdf
  • OECD. 2008b. Promoting sustainable consumption. Good practices in OECD countries. www.oecd.org/dataoecd/1/59/40317373.pdf
  • Oldrup, H. & Hvidt Breengaard, M. 2009. Gender and Climate Change. Nordic Council of Ministers.
  • Pasanen, J. & Ulvila, M. 2009. Class, gender and safety. Class struggles. I: NIKK magasin 2/2009. Nordic Gender Institute. Oslo.
  • Schultz, I. & Stiess, I. 2009. Gender aspects of sustainable consumption strategies and instruments. Eupopp, Policies to promote sustainable consumption patterns. Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE).
  • Tufte, B.  2010. Children and youth consumers. I: Ekström, K. Consumer Behaviour : A nordic perspecitve. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
  • Westlund, J. 2009. Shopping queen. NIKK magasin. 2/2009.


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