About EqualClimate

About EqualClimate

Equal Climate is an electronic knowledge and ideaportal that highlights the relationship between gender and climate from a Nordic perspective. The aim of the portal is to show how climate change and sustainable development work can be enhanced by including a gender perspective and information about, for example, differences regarding men’s and women’s consumption.

The portal collects knowledge about climate and gender from a number of different perspectives, including transport, consumption, food and energy. It also contains information about gender aware climate work in the Nordic countries as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. It furthermore contains information about activities, reports and political decisionmaking regarding gender equality and climate change as well as portrays practical examples about how women and men, and boys and girls, are affected themselves, and how they in turn affect, climate change through their lifestyles and behaviour patterns. It is a pro-active and positive platform that can be used globally to portray good practice from the Nordic region and how the green Nordic region works to integrate gender equality into climate change work locally, nationally and regionally.

The portal has been created as part of Finland’s presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2011, in cooperation with the Nordic gender institute NIKK. Dealing with climate change has been the main theme of Finland’s presidency. As a part of this the gender equality sector has worked to include a gender equality perspective into solutions targeted towards mitigation and adaption work.


Information is available in Swedish (or ’Scandinavian’), Finnish and English.

Editorial staff

The web editor is responsible for the daily maintenance of EqualClimate.org. The gender equality sector in the Nordic Council of Ministers is the publisher.

Please feel free to contact us on [email protected] with your viewpoints and comments.